About Me
“Are you the right
Tarot reader for me?”
Excellent question, thank you for asking! I am trans, queer, and nonbinary; I’m a fat activist, an LGBTQIA2S+ activist, a racial justice activist, and more. My passion for equity and justice is STRONG. I am obsessed with psychology and finally took the leap into graduate school at Southwestern College & A New Earth Institute to become an art therapist. As a result I feel very capable and comfortable reading for all types of people: multiples, littles, poly & ethical non-monogamy, ace, aro, otherkin, sex workers, those with eating disorders, trauma survivors, disabled people, all types of human experience. Please always feel free to ask me for what you need: e.g., multiples who experience switching amnesia, I am happy to give you a longer reading time; littles, I am happy to use Tarot imagery and vocabulary that feel best for you.
Whether you choose me or not, please make sure you choose a consent-based Tarot reader. Consent-based Tarot looks like this:
— the Tarot reader will explain everything that is going to happen during the reading process (e.g., after I shuffle, I will ask you to have a soft gaze or close your eyes, whichever feels best for you today, and guide you through a meditation that centers focusing on your inhale and exhale while imagining all possible outcomes.)
— Reader asks you what your needs and desires are (e.g., Is anything off the table today? Do you need anything in particular from me today, such as refraining from going to a certain tender place or pausing between each card to allow you to breathe for a few moments.)
— Reader will ask for clear consent (verbal or non-verbal “yes” that can be retracted at any time by you).
If the Tarot reader you’re talking to does not practice this, PLEASE do not work with them!
My name is Rune Rainwater (fae/they/he). I am passionate about creating safe sacred spaces for the trans, nonbinary, queer, ace, aro, BIPOC, disabled, polyamorous, and many other communities to have secular, affirming, & authentic spiritual experiences. I provide Tarot readings, Tarot classes, Witchcrafted candles, and other spiritual services free from anti-fat bias, ableism, cisgenderism, heteronormativity, racism, and cultural appropriation. I teach Tarot through my Patreon. I’m the Artistic Director of Rebellion for Circe Academy. I am based in New Mexico & provide services anywhere via Zoom.
I am not a social media influencer, nor a wannabe-influencer. I have no desire to ever create a personal brand. I am not offering services in order to craft or polish an image of myself. I am offering services because I am uniquely capable of offering spiritual services to my (trans, nonbinary, queer) community. My goal is not to create a million-dollar personal brand; my goal is to give you the best Tarot reading, spirit world journey, spell or ritual that I can provide.
I have been meditating and encountering the spirit world since childhood; in my tweens and teens I studied Mahayana and Zen Buddhism on my own. All my life I struggled with severe chronic depression, a severe anxiety disorder, and PTSD. I have been practicing journeying, Reiki, witchcraft and many other spiritual modalities for decades. Now in my thirties, I credit my spiritual experiences, creative writing, interest in psychology, animals, Tarot, and above all twenty milligrams of citalopram a day for saving my life.
Today, I consider myself a Kirkean Feral Witch with a strong zest of Mahayana Tantric Buddhism (especially Green, Red, and Black Tara). I am in spiritual alignment with Titania Circe, Witch of Aiaia, Protector of All Innocent Flora & Fauna In This World System.
My greatest spiritual passion is to empower people to create and enjoy their own spiritual experiences. My style is one of a guide: e.g., on a meditation, I will prompt you to deepen your experience by asking you, "What scents are in the air? What color is the tree? What kind of tree is it?" rather than, "picture a large pine tree."
In addition to my spiritual practices I have benefited greatly from therapy, especially EMDR, antidepressants and anxiety medication, as well as testosterone therapy. I highly recommend pairing spiritual practice with mental and emotional health therapies that are right for you.
Additional information about working with me, my spiritual beliefs, & more is below!
You'll enjoy working with me if:
You want a safe sacred space where your gender identity/expression/experience is validated, honored, and loved
You want a Tarot reading from someone who will accept you as you are
You want a safe sacred space that is trauma-informed; science-loving; queer; secular; and embraces asexuality, aromanticism, disabilities, and full bodily autonomy.
You are interested in receiving a Tarot reading with inclusive and safe imagery (I use the Crow Tarot deck), free from gendering
You want to learn how to read Tarot
You want to develop or deepen your intuition
You want to develop or deepen your spiritual practice
You want a gentle guide who works with your intuition
You want to work with a guide who will help you craft practices, rituals, ceremonies, spells, daily protections, and spiritual self-care that are rooted in your own authenticity
You are interested in group spiritual activities with other trans, enby, and agender folks
All Services are Free From Gendering. This Means:
Spirits are not gendered: all spirits are referred to with they/them/theirs pronouns
Our spiritual experiences are also not gendered: nothing is ever defined or referred to as "masculine" or "feminine" (energy, planets, plants, dreams, deities, experiences, etc)
People of ALL gender experiences are welcome in ALL events
You are welcome to have your own individual and group spiritual experiences free from the oppressive labels, stereotypes, and social constructs of gender
ALL genders are welcomed. This space centers transgender, agender, and nonbinary folks so that we may all be treated with respect, dignity, and love. You do not need to be any gender or even have a gender to be welcomed and embraced in this space!
As a trans/enby/agender person, I have had many negative and damaging experiences in spiritual communities. I have bumped up against "this-gender ONLY" ceremonies rooted in harmful cisgenderism. I have endured cis folks inquiring about my gender identity, my gender expression, and my genitals during spiritual services. I have endured "spiritual" people putting my gender experience on trial, demanding answers, and outright discriminating against me. I have been misgendered during classes, rituals, and other services where I am the provider.
In response, I have created this sacred safe space. This is a space for folks who want to have their own, unique, empowered spiritual experiences without the limiting forces of gender. This is a space for folks to come together to share spiritual experiences in safety.
Some of my core spiritual beliefs include:
Sober, Secular, Safe space. My classes and one-on-one sessions are sober spaces: do what you like in your free time, but you must be sober during Tarot readings, sessions, and class. Being actively high on non-Rx drugs including non-Rx cannabis, as well as actively being under the influence of alcohol, is not permitted during class or readings or sessions. This is a safe space for people in recovery and people who have always been sober. This space is secular - you do not have to ascribe to any religion or spiritual path to be here, and no soliciting or conversion attempts are allowed in these spaces. This is a safe space for queer, nonbinary, trans, ace, agender, disabled, fat, chronically ill, people of all races; I’m always learning and doing my best to make this the safest space possible. More on that below.
Take Your Medications. I avoided starting antidepressants for decades due in part to bad advice from previous spiritual teachers. Starting antidepressants literally saved my life and completely transformed me into the happiest, most stable person I have ever been. I will NEVER advise you to stop taking prescribed medications, and I advise you not to listen to any spiritual teacher who has strong negative opinions about doctor-prescribed medications.
Eat Food You Like. Food has Nothing to Do With Spirituality. I’m a fat activist. One of my favorite podcasts is Maintenance Phase, which shows the actual science behind calories, dieting, and body size. Food has nothing, nothing, nothing to do with spirituality, and oftentimes the “toxic” or “processed” foods that spiritual people love to hate are simply foods that people in poverty can afford, so it’s not *really* about the food. I leave food out of it. I have worked in agriculture for over fifteen years, and have seen how the intersection of spirituality and food can create diets and eating practices that are extremely harmful to people (such as fasting, which can be extremely triggering for people with a history of disordered eating). I will never tell you to change your diet or espouse any preferred diet or eating practice. I think you should eat what you like, when you like, however much you like.
Responsible Use of Power. We all have power, and we should all be empowered to live our authentic lives. Responsible use of power means being self-aware and other-aware. We must respect other people's rights to determine their own lives; we must say no when someone else wishes to cross our boundaries, force us into a life that is not our own, or harm us.
Disabled People Matter. Body shape, diseases, illnesses, and disabilities are NOT moral comeuppance or a reflection of spirituality/moral fitness. Disease is not “dis-ease” but simply a biological fact. There are too many spiritual “leaders” out there who use illness, chronic illness, and disability to shame and blame victims, thus creating an ableist world where only able-bodied “healthy” people are spiritually fit. Disabled people deserve to be seen and loved, and deserve to live in the world just as easily as able-bodied people. We don't yet live in that world, we have a long way to go to make the built environment, the economy, and spiritual services accessible to disabled people. I live with chronic pain and expect to become further disabled as I age. This is a safe space for the disabled community and I’m committed to continuing to learn how to make spiritual services accessible to all.
Trans People Matter. Transgender, Enby, Agender, and all gender-creative folks are beautiful, are fully human, and deserve respect, love, and care. Because of course we do. This is not debatable.
Black Lives Matter. We must right the injustices of the past and present; it is our inheritance and our collective responsibility. We must be actively anti-racist.
Sex Positive, Asexual positive, Body Neutral. You are the only person you will have to live with for the entirety of your life. Your body deserves to be loved, appreciated, and honored. Many spiritual teachers do not yet embrace the asexual/graysexual/autosexual communities — I do. Many do not accept sex workers and sex work — I do. Additionally, “body positivity” is a lot to ask of a person, especially those of us who have struggled with past eating disorders, disordered/distorted body image, etc. I ascribe to body neutrality: a loving, easy, plain, relaxed acceptance of your body as it is, rather than forcing yourself to be ultra-hyped about your body all the freaking time (how exhausting!).
Pro-Science, Anti-Conspiracy Theory. We must work with science and scientists, not against them. We must accept truth as truth. Vaccines are safe. I will NEVER tell you to stop taking prescribed medications. Most conspiracy theories are bunk. There are much larger problems in the world that require our attention, energy, money, and time.
Victim Blaming/Victim Shaming Is Disgusting. New Age spirituality is born out of the dominant culture (white, cisgendered, heterosexual, able-bodied, etc). Most New Age spiritual practices blame victims for their problems and circumstances. This is gross. This is yet another way for white cishets to ignore their white privilege, cisgendered privilege, and heterosexual privilege. We do not engage in this behavior in this space.
No Dehumanizing Language. About anyone. Ever. Every genocide in history has started with dehumanizing language. It does not matter who the other person is - it does not matter who the other person or group of people are - when we use dehumanizing language, we are a) contributing to a society where dehumanizing others is normalized, encouraged, and embraced, b) simply making the other person or group dehumanize us in return, and c) losing our own humanity in the process. I work hard to never dehumanize others; I expect the same from everyone during spiritual services.
Decolonizing Spiritual Practices. Cultural appropriation is rife within spiritual communities. I work hard to decolonize my own practice, and I encourage others to explore and decolonize their own spiritual lineages and practices.
Some of my spiritual inspirations and teachers include:
Nick Dickinson (Teacher - Witchcraft, Mentor, Friend, Headmistress of Circe Academy)
Amanda Yates Garcia (Teacher - Witchcraft)
Maria Minnis
Alok V. Menon
Blair Bogan (Teacher - Astrology)
Jeffrey Marsh
Adrienne Maree Brown
Edgar Fabian Frias
Elizabeth Gilbert
Dr. Autumn Asher Blackdeer
@Dineasethetics Charlie Amáyá Scott
Lindsay Kuhn (Radiant Unknown Tarot)
Nedra Glover Tawwab